Ancient Mystical Teachings Divulged…….Bhagavad Gita Scripture Study Group – we are presently investigating chapter 13…..The Yoga of the Distinction between the Field and the Knower of the Field…..Kshetra Kshetrajna Vibhaga Yoga
Are you ready to explore the world of the spirit? Are you ready to go deeper into your practice of yoga?
This is an ongoing examination of the path to liberation of the soul from the confines of the small mortal self and how we can begin this journey step by step in our own lives. It dates back to the 5th century BC…….and offers timeless teachings and guidance on our true nature and purpose in life. If the thought is intriguing, please contact JoAnna at [email protected] ~ See more details on “Bhagavad Gita” page
NEW CLASS especially designed for Elders, Beginners and those with limitations
Mondays 5:30-6:45pm and Thursdays 4-5:15pm
Very gentle stretching and Strength Training! It is vital to build and maintain strong muscles, particularly since we lose bone density as we age, making us more prone to fractures and injury. Benefits include:
• Strengthens muscles so you can perform better physically
• Increases stamina, balance and agility
• Improves cardiovascular fitness
• Protects your bones and joints against injury
• Builds lean muscle mass – an absolute must when undergoing a weight loss program
• Helps reduce body fat and burn more calories post-workout
• Improves your sleep pattern
• Releases mood-boosting endorphins to help lower stress
Deep, full belly breathing is so important for our state of mind!
All our yoga classes begin with a focus on the breath… bring awareness and more depth to the breath in the body. This supports the practitioner to begin to relax and let go of stress help in the body…… it switches on the parasympathetic nervous system. Then…..with attention to the feeling sensations that arises as we move from one posture to another……AND the breath… can easily become fully engaged……and PRESENT… you plug into what your body is doing and feeling in each moment.
***See our Current Classes page for weekly asana practices and meditation
Next regular monthly Kirtan Saturday, May 3rd….at 3:45-5:45pm
Mantra chanting is a powerful combination of sounds that resonate deep within the heart…..affecting our state of consciousness and awakening in us a deep cellular memory of joy, peace…..and a longing to return to Spirit!
Some chants are in English….no experience necessary…….only an open mind and heart! Donation: $10-15 to support our sacred yoga space. You can sign up to reserve a spot using Venmo
We always end with a delicious Gong Bath with Jasbir and Jiji!
Need to make a Venmo Payment? Here’s our QR Code: