Under the auspices and the auspiciousness of our Very Unique and Special Teacher and Divine Lineage of sincere seekers….. we offer an in-depth study of this sublime scripture, the Bhagavad Gita, known all over the world as,” The Song of God”.
Just as the body is nourished, supported and furnished with life-giving energy and vigor through the practice of yoga postures…….so also the mind is in need of proper nourishment and food for spiritual growth. Scripture study is imperative….it give life to the journey of the soul embodied.
This scripture is like a map to travel the path of the spirit. We study to understand not only the theoretical knowledge contained therein, but to make it practical…….to make it visible in our lives…….to embrace the knowledge and make it our own as we walk forward on the ultimate journey of the soul within.
We gather once a month on a planned Sunday 10-12:30pm and we also are watching the epic Mahabharata to enhance our knowledge.
If you are interested please contact JoAnna at [email protected] Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.
Through the process of our yoga practice we begin to create an inner space, an inside opening………..as a way to honor ourselves and clear the mind static and open to the deeper teachings which are embedded into our original memory….the divinity which dwells within.
Lakulish Yoga Tallahassee
2320 Apalachee Parkway
Tallahassee, FL 32301
ph: 850-273-1861
[email protected]